A complete introduction to eco-printing and natural dyeing, including how to combine the methods. Read more or buy it here.
My bestselling ebook:
Learn how to get clear and bright eco-prints on cotton with eucalyptus leaves. Read more or buy it here.
Kind words about my ebooks:
My most popular ecourse:
A gentle introduction to natural dyeing and eco-printing practises, for cotton and paper. The focus is on making do with what we have. Simple methods and simple materials. Finding joy in the process and in unexpected results. Join us by clicking here.
My Etsy store:
Browse my collection of naturally dyed clothing and fabric on Etsy here.
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I also have lots of eco-printing and natural dyeing information available on my blog. I love teaching people about these topics, so I am really glad that you have found your way here! I’m looking forward to helping you create your own wardrobe of living colour, using the natural dyes in plants.