Deciduous leaves

To soak or not to soak?

[responsivevoice_button] Way back in 2016, when I had just begun selling clothes under the label Gumnut Magic, I had a lot of interest from other natural dyers about my eco-print technique. Back then people were mostly eco-printing on wool so I had a lot of questions about how I was managing to get clear, bright […]

To soak or not to soak? Read More »

Eco-printing with autumn leaves

I’m continuing to gather leaves and do tests for my new ebook, which will cover a wide range of leaves that eco-print well on cotton. This tshirt was eco-printed with 8 different types of deciduous leaves, using the method described in Gum Leaf Alchemy. The leaves have produced a range of greens and blues.

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Deciduous leaves eco-print

I’ve been busy testing a range of different leaves, using the eco-printing method described in my first ebook. Although that ebook focuses on eucalyptus leaves, which are still my favourite, the method works well for many other leaves. This is a sampler of mixed deciduous leaves: oak, blackberry, cotinus (smokebush) and two types of maple.

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